

In the moment we prepare to leave the island of Palawan, we rearrange the materials with a feeling that is certainly not that of a farewell. We have the great pleasure of entrusting the tasks to the mature local group PSG (Palawan Speleological Guild). The extraordinary scenarios offered by the immensity of the cave and the authentic collaboration born with the Filippini, a group that operates autonomously as if they were an arm of La Venta, highlights how an exploratory project ten thousand kilometers away and seven hours of time zone can survive independently even without our presence. The constant contacts and common strategies have in fact opened up the many expected results in the last two years of the PSG's initiative.

Read more: Looking

Palawan Underground River: New horizons

Finally the departure is approaching: One of the largest underground estuaries in the world awaits us. In many years of satisfactions and great discoveries, the cave is recognized among the new seven wonders of the world thanks to La Venta. We know that surprises never fail each time we cross that tropical kingdom in one of the last paradises of the Philippines, the island of Palawan.

Read more: Palawan Underground River: New horizons

Expedition to the Inylchek Glacier, Tian Shan chain, Kyrgyzstan

A few weeks ago, between 5 and 18 November, the Tian Shan Geological Society and Foundation For The Preservation And Exploration Of Caves leaded an expedition to the Inylchek Glacier, one of the world’s largest mountain glaciers, located in the central area of the Tian Shan chain in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan.

Read more: Expedition to the Inylchek Glacier, Tian Shan chain, Kyrgyzstan

Published KUR 25!

Despite the leaving friends, the passing years, the economic and bureaucratic difficulties, the increasingly complicated lives (and only apparently simplified by innovations), the La Venta association goes on, accompanied by KUR, our memory.

Read more: Published KUR 25!

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