
In preparation Parau 2018 (Iran)

Since 2016, our association has been developing, in collaboration with some local speleological groups, an exploratory project both in the north-western sector of the Zagros mountains, and among the immense diapers of the Shiraz region, in the south of the country.

Read more: In preparation Parau 2018 (Iran)

Shiraz 2018

Recently returned from Iran, tired but enthusiastic, we brought home important results: no less than a thousand, no abysses or complex caves at the time, but in many ways much more…

The group of members La Venta who dedicated himself to climb the Iranian salt diapers, thanks to the help of his friend Yones Shariatmadari, an expert speleologist from Teheran, consisted of: Gaetano Boldrini, Martino Frova, Giuseppe Giovine, Luca Imperio, Luca Massa and Leonardo Piccini.

Read more: Shiraz 2018

Let's take off the salt

What I write in these lines is not to be taken with a pinch of salt!

It is a simple final report of a truly successful expedition. No surprise: Atacama is really a space place. Then there was the project, funded by the National Geographic Society (the first of La Venta), and a team really up to the task. The fact is that we are all back tired but happy, with the salt still on, and many good memories.

Read more: Let's take off the salt

Iran: sun, salt and wind

Firuzabad six local time is our first stop.
Landed in Shiraz in the middle of the night we met our friend Younes who came to welcome us from Tehran to introduce us and leave us in the company of Mahadi the driver at our disposal for the whole period, equipped with an enterprising Iveco minibus with which he will be able to cover unlikely slopes. spectacular descents.

Read more: Iran: sun, salt and wind

Chiapas 2018, more than 25 years of exploration

In the past month of March a new expedition took place in Chiapas, Mexico, as part of a research activity that has been going on since 1990. Dozens of trips have given important results both in terms of speleological knowledge and growth of the local speleology, together with a general awareness on the karstic phenomena of this region.

Read more: Chiapas 2018, more than 25 years of exploration

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