
The mainly scientific expedition to Puerto Princesa Underground River continues. In two weeks we have finished placing all the instruments for monitoring and measuring.

Probably at the end of this project this will be one of the most studied caves in the world as well as one of the most complicated to understand by the environmental and biological point of view.


And for this reason we have not forgotten the documentation of this cavity. The One Planet film crew following us never misses a chance to film the scientific work we are doing.

In the last week there was also the official presentation of the project with the presence of the administration of the Municipality of Puerto Princesa, the Italian Ambassador to the Philippines Massimo Roscigno (who also followed us for a visit in the cave), the Italian responsible for the program Debt for Development Swap program Marco Carta, the local stakeholders, Philippine cavers, the Puerto Princesa National Park, the Tagbalay Foundation and our Association.

The ability to work as a team in this project to protect the cave and at the same time (without increasing the tourist flow) develop new opportunities for this area we hope make it grow economically a territory that is so dear to La Venta.

It remains a work week that hour will be devoted to new caves are in the area, with possible lateral continuations that were impossible to see with the use of carbide as lighting and to finish the first part of the documentation.

We are also pleased to say that we used the LIFESAVER bottles. An exceptional solution when you are in places like this. You can filter and drink really every water. And the use of these tools would be a response to the many problems in finding of drinking water that plague the world!

Stay tuned!

Participating for LA VENTA: Paolo Agnelli, Carla Bertollo , José Maria Calaforra, Leonardo Colavita, Tiziano Conte, Carla Corongiu. Vittorio Crobu, Franco Cucchi, Antonio De Vivo, Paolo Forti, Martino Frova, Francesco Lo Mastro, Alessio Romeo, Partizio Rubhcic, Tommaso Santagata, Stefano Vanni. We have with us the guys of the Gaia Exploring Team of Manila.

Special thanks: Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Italian Embassy in Philippines, Tagbalay Foundation, Puerto Princesa Natural Park.

Sponsors: Leica Italia, Laserscangst, Eragest di Tiziano Conte, Lifesaver, Amphibious, Ferrino, Dolomite, Scurion, De Walt, Allemano Metrology.

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