
Chiapas2014And then the final dinner of pasta (finally!). All accompanied by good wine. In short, a gradual return to Italy.
And when the wine was finished we have returned to dear old TANG. For the uninitiated a powder that is used to make acceptable drinking water treated for drinking. Tastes are different and now we have become so much accustomed to drink this wter that the Italian will seem a bit 'dull. As everyday life without the emotions of Chiapas… But we already know that will be back soon. And the water with TANG will be back with us to quench our thirst in the endless marches under the sun, in the pouring rain, in the forest, in the fields of the colonies, in caves, canyons, among the Mayan ruins lost in the woods.
Goodbye Chiapas. Leo Colavita

Sponsors: Ferrino, Dolomite, Intermatica, Scurion, Amphibious, De Walt, New Foods, Chelab, SAE, Hennessy Hammock, Mountain House.

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