
Geographical explorations

«... forth I sail'd into the deep illimitable main ...»
Hell, XXVI
There are still many unexplored regions on our planet, but it is not simple to think of and perform an exploration project which can improve and spread knowledge. The places we are most interested in, undiscovered and with deep karst topography, are often located in such diverse and hostile areas that no one is curious enough to explore them.
Click to enlargeExplore this website and you will find yourself wandering with us in Antarctic glaciers and the deserts of Central Asia, travelling through tropical forests in unexplored calcareous plateaus or along high mountain walls. You will discover with us caves that are so hot that they can kill a man in a few minutes and others so cold that they have never seen a trace of liquid water. With us you will also explore canyons, glaciers, mountain walls, abysses, archaeological sites and giant crystals.
All our projects are preceded by a long and thorough preliminary study, through which all data available at that stage and all problems that could arise are analysed. In some cases, as in glaciospeleology, or that in hot caves, we have had to develop our own progression and survival techniques.
Click to enlargeThen it's time for surveys; the first ones are light, curious, almost yielding, just to discover what is on the field. After that, we start organizing where and how to focus our efforts during the exploration, we carry out the first expeditions and then things change, the empty book begins to fill and we write our history. We too are changing while we write it.
Thanks to the skills of explorers and to the use of modern equipment and techniques, we have been able to carry out research judged impossible up to that moment. We have acquired an enormous quantity of scientific data and have produced video and photo documentation that we spread all over the world. This impressive and passionate work has allowed La Venta to become an international benchmark, not only in the field of exploration and speleological research, but also in the field of environmental protection.

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