
La presentazione alla stampa alla Royal Society di LondraThe award was handed out at the Royal Society in London on June 24 this month, and will allow us to carry out more easily the Tepui Project and to widen its boundaries both geographically and scientifically. This is another result of a long series that the Tepui Project is giving us and that Cesco is pursuing in a young and fresh way and with an approach truly comprehensive of every aspect of the geographical exploration.
It never has been just an expedition but a big dream to accomplish. Inside this dream Cesco has put everything he could: love, study, stubbornness and a long, long time. This is the sacred fire that leads explorers of all ages to pursue incredible, often considered unfeasible, projects.
A hug from all members to Cesco!

"The degree of freedom of a man is measured by the intensity of his dreams" (Alda Merini) Go to the website of the Rolex Awards for Enterprise dedicated to the Amazonian Tepui and to Francesco Sauro.

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